Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
Mental Health Awareness Week is a week dedicated to starting conversations about mental health and the things in our daily lives that can affect it, breaking stigma and making mental health a less daunting subject for all.
Rediscovering our own natural environment has provided solace during an unprecedented time, which is why nature is the chosen theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week. So many of us turned to nature during the pandemic, whether it be a favourite park, personal garden or a green space. The Mental Health Foundation’s research showed that during the past year, going for walks outside was a top coping strategy, with 45% saying that being in green space was vital for their mental health.
The Week is also a chance to talk about any aspect of mental health that people want to, holding space for important conversations this week and beyond – regardless of the theme.
We at Bath Mind are inviting you to connect with nature in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week.
Ways to get involved
To celebrate this year’s theme, there a number of ways you can get involved with us:
- Download and share our Bath and North East Somerset Wellbeing Map: a free and original map of the green spaces across B&NES, providing you with several locations for a mindful moment.
- Enter our nature-themed photo competition: the task is simple – submit a photograph that shows what nature means to you and your wellbeing. To enter into our competition, submit a photo and a donation fee of £5.
- Try a nature wellbeing activity: from mindful nature exercises to reducing anxiety worksheets, we have printable resources available to download for free.
Posted on: 29th April 2021