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A note from our CEO:

I am delighted to be launching the Bath Mind 2023-2026 strategy. This is a document which has been developed by colleagues from across the organisation and one which holds our values and ethos at its centre.

It is a strategy which sets out the ambitions for Bath Mind over the next three years and by being transparent and outcomes driven, the strategy enables our partners and those people we work with to ensure we are accountable for the delivery of the strategy’s key themes.

While we cannot predict changes to the social and financial landscape over the coming years, Bath Mind are committed to working with our community to deliver the highest quality services to those in greatest need.”

Bath Mind CEO, Kate Morton

Bath Mind are committed to working with our community to deliver the highest quality services to those in greatest need.

Our five mission themes

We are diverse.

We will increase availability and visibility (in both urban and rural communities and across all spaces).

We are courageous.

We will expand areas of revenue opportunities, identify services for possible expansion, and increase the profile and visibility of Bath Mind.

We are innovative.

Bath Mind will develop more integrated pathways, facilitate closer collaboration between agencies and commissioners, and develop creative models of intervention to respond to the needs of the community.

We are inclusive.

We will invest in our internal and external relationships.

We have impact.

We will base planning around results and use reviews, monitoring and outcomes to feed into continuous improvement.

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