What is the Intensive Outreach Support service?

Intensive Outreach Support aims to facilitate a smoother transition from psychiatric care or prevent hospitalisation by offering short-term, intensive support directly in individuals’ home

We work closely with individual’s mental health team and provide flexible, trauma-informed, person-centred mental health support. This offer is open to those under the care of Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP) residing in BANES, Swindon and Wiltshire.

  • The maximum duration of support is 6 weeks
  • People can be referred into the service up to 3 times a year

Bath Mind have been one of the best mental health supports I’ve ever had.

This service is only available for referrals via Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP). For more information, please contact our Intensive Outreach Team at [email protected].