December Service Spotlight – Wellbeing Groups

Our Wellbeing Groups have been active since the charity began 25 years ago! The service has now expanded to encompass 14 weekly groups, receiving hundreds of referrals each year.  We had a chat with service manager Becky to find out more about this wonderful service.

What do Bath Mind’s Wellbeing Groups provide?

The Wellbeing Groups offer a safe place for people to connect with others who may also be struggling, while maybe trying a new activity such as art, drama, cooking, or gardening. But more importantly, they offer a space for people to ‘come as they are’ without fear of judgement, helping them to feel less isolated with their mental health.

Committing to attending the group gives me focus to my week. Each week has been a lovely surprise! I have been really fortunate to meet some fantastic people who are so mutually patient and supportive.

Why are wellbeing groups such an important offer to the community?

The Wellbeing Groups offer structure and routine to people’s weeks, helping them to maintain good mental health. Each group is based around one of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing (Be Active, Learn, Connect, Give and Take Notice), so we are actively supporting people to improve their wellbeing at each session. For some people this is the only time in their week when they have company and feel heard.

How do the different wellbeing groups impact people’s mental wellbeing?

With up to 14 Groups and short courses running each week, when a person is referred to the service, we are confident that there will be a group for them! What makes Bath Mind groups unique is the experienced staff and volunteers that are available at each group to offer support, guidance, and signposting, helping ensure that every person is listened to and gets their needs met.

These groups enable me to have a life.

What’s been your favourite part of managing the wellbeing groups?

 I love to see group members growing in confidence at a group, taking part in new activities, forming friendships, and seeing a change in mood when they leave a session.

It is also a joy to work alongside my colleagues in the team, who navigate difficult conversations daily and do so with compassion and empathy.

And are there any difficult parts?

It can be difficult to see people who are too unwell to access a wellbeing group but are also not getting the support they need elsewhere. In this situation the team work hard to engage services and support to help the individual. Limited funding can also be tricky at times!


Thank you, Becky, for telling us all about Wellbeing Groups, and to the Wellbeing team for all their hard work!

Find out more about the service

Posted on: 27th November 2023

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