25 Years of Local Charity Bath Mind!

25 years ago, Bath Mind embarked on its journey to support the mental health of people across Bath and North East Somerset. 

Our track record spans back 25 years, but our mission remains the same.

We want to promote and nurture everyone’s mental health through the provision of information, activities, advice and support.

When did Bath Mind begin?

In 1998, Bath Mind embarked on its journey with the launch of our Advocacy service and Community Wellbeing Groups. Our wellbeing groups have expanded over the years and now encompass 11 weekly groups supporting local people with ongoing mental health issues.

The groups include football, gardening, crafts, walking and more, and provide one to one support, advice and and an opportunity to engage in social and skill-based activities, reducing social isolation. 

Three women stand in an allotments smiling
A group of people walking along the canal in Bath.
Two people talking while taking photos outdoors
A woman leans over a fire pit cooking BBQ food.

Supported Housing: a core Bath Mind service

Bath Mind’s Supported Housing service also launched in 1998, providing safe and comfortable homes for individuals recovering from poor mental health. The Supported Housing service thrives to this day and now includes additional properties in Bath and Chippenham.

The team create plans with residents to promote active community involvement and foster the confidence and skills they’ll need to gain independent tenancies.

The vital support from our Supported Housing team has provided help to countless individuals, offering them a secure and independent foundation for their wellbeing.

“Safe housing is the foundation of wellbeing, and these services provide a vital steppingstone towards a secure and independent home.”

25 years later…

Fast forward 25 years and our services have grown monumentally to meet the evolving needs of the community.  Community Support came in 2017, offering practical and emotional support to people living in their own homes, helping them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives, and Intensive Outreach Support followed in 2020, allowing a smoother discharge from psychiatric care by providing short-term support in clients’ homes.

In 2020, Bath Mind introduced the Breathing Space service, which offers both face-to-face and telephone support to community members experiencing mental health distress or crisis. 

New services, same high quality support

Since it’s start in 1998, Bath Mind has also launched an affordable counselling service for individuals looking to benefit from talking therapies, a Welfare Benefit service advising clients on complex benefit problems, and our popular Befriending service, a daytime phone support started in response to the pandemic and which now benefits 190 individuals annually.

Additionally, comprehensive mental health wellbeing courses and a range of digital, print and face-to-face services and resources have been introduced, enabling Bath Mind to increase its beneficiary capacity and offer remote support to local individuals in need.

Meeting people where they are

In 2022, the charity proudly unveiled the Access Community Mental Health (ACMH) and Emergency Department Adult Intervention services, which have proven to be vital lifelines for those struggling with their mental health. ACMH is seen as the ‘front door’ for the local area’s mental health service, working with people to access the correct support for them, and to create a plan with a focus on future independence. 

A woman and man stand outside the RUH Bath's Emergency Department

Emergency care

Our Emergency Department Adult Intervention service offers trauma-informed, person centred support to adults presenting to the RUH’s Emergency Department with mental health crisis behaviours, low mood, depression and anxiety. Service manager Hannah shares that, “The aim of the service is to reduce the number of people visiting A&E, and to make those who do feel more valued and supported as they leave.”

New solutions in 2023

Our most recent service, launched this year, is Orchard House, a non-medical house for mental health support based in Midsomer Norton. We provide 7-10 days’ accommodation and support for adults experiencing a mental health crisis, and the house offers a calm and safe environment with trained and compassionate staff on the premises 24/7.

We all want to be a part of the change in helping those in mental health crisis, and hopefully enable them all to return home safely.

Three people sit on a sofa together smiling.

Can you help us continue for another 25 years?

Bath Mind takes pride in the positive impact its work has had on the individuals it supports, and the organisation remains grateful for the collaborative efforts of local authorities, schools, businesses, GPs, and other third-sector organisations in the area.

None of this progress would be possible without the generosity of our many supporters.

It’s your belief in Bath Mind’s work that enables us to keep going and growing. You didn’t only get us through the past 25 years, but ensured that our charity can continue to thrive as our ambitions for the future grow, and for that we are incredibly grateful.

Support Bath Mind today

Posted on: 21st September 2023

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