Mind Quality Mark

Bath Mind has been awarded the Mind Quality Mark (MQM). The MQM is a robust quality assurance framework created by Mind, the mental health charity.

MQM sets out the baseline of best practice and legal compliance in all areas of a local Mind’s governance and activities. To achieve the MQM, a local Mind must meet or exceed all 24 key standards.

Local Minds undergo a rigorous assessment which includes a thorough appraisal of organisational policies and procedures as well as a visit and interviews with trustees, staff, volunteers and people who use services. MQM is awarded when all standards are fully met.

The MQM provides assurance that local Minds across England and Wales are well-run organisations who meet Mind’s expectations of good practice, and in many cases excel beyond those expectations. It provides assurance that they are healthy, ambitious and strong in providing the highest quality support to people experiencing or at risk of developing mental health problems.

Read more about the Mind Quality Mark here.

Bath Mind provides excellent ‘person centred’ services, and are a well-run, innovative and connected organisation.

MQM Quality Mark

User Quality Group

We are here to provide advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem and to campaign to improve mental health services, raise awareness and promote understanding. To do that effectively, it is essential that a deep understanding of the needs and experiences of people with mental health problems drives everything that we do and that, wherever we can, we actively seek opportunities for people with experience of mental health problems to lead and guide our work. Of course, this includes using our own personal experience, where we have it.

As we plan, develop and implement our work, it is vitally important that we actively consult, discuss, meet with, research, involve, listen to and understand the views and opinions of as wide a range of people with experience of mental health problems as we can.

To help achieve this, Bath Mind now have an established members panel which is formed of trustees and people with lived experience, to help ensure that all we do is influenced by people with mental health problems in a way that makes a positive difference, and helps ensure that the services we offer are of real value to the community with work with.



Bath Mind is affiliated to National Mind and they have some very useful resources: 


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UmGf5RiJuo[/embedyt]