Pride Month 2022
While Pride month is a time for celebration, it can also be a challenging time for many members of the LGBTQ+ community for various reasons. Some people may feel excluded and unrepresented. Some may feel hyper-visible and therefore more self-conscious or unsafe, exposed to heightened discrimination. Others may not be out yet and feeling lonely during this month of celebration.
Tips for wellbeing
If Pride Month is causing you feelings of unease or anxiety, some things you could try that may help are:
- Connect with others. If you’re unsure about attending any events in person, consider online events focused on wellbeing and connection as a more gentle way to interact with people.
- Prioritise self-care. Make sure you’re attending to the basics of physical self-care and looking after your day-to-day needs (food, hydration, sleep etc.). Where possible, try to take time to focus on yourself and to unwind.
- Breathing Exercises. Connecting with the breath can help us relax, unwind and reduce levels of stress. We have a great selection of breathing exercises on our Resources webpage.
- Reach out. Ask for support from friends, trusted family or specialist services.
Support available
If you’re finding things tough at the moment, please be assured that you’re not alone. Below are just some of the available support services that can help:
Bath Mind Breathing Space services. Consisting of both a face-to-face and telephone service, Breathing Space offer calm, non-clinical support. Staffed by a team with a broad range of experience in mental health issues, the services offers a compassionate listening ear and signposting to relevant services. Tel: 01225 983130
Akt give housing and homelessness support for the LGBTQ+ community aged 18-25. Live chat is available on their website.
Mermaids offer confidential support for trans, non-binary and gender diverse children, young people and their families. Tel: 0808 8010 400
MindLine Trans+ is an emotional support helpline for those who identify as Trans, Agender, Gender Fluid and Non-binary, as well as their friends and families. Tel: 0300 330 5468 Monday, Wednesday & Fridays 8pm – Midnight
Stonewall UK give specialist advice for anyone identifying as LGBTIQ+. Tel: 020 7359 5767
Supporting LGBTQ+ communities, friends and colleagues
It’s a good idea to reach out to those around you who identify as LGBTQ+. Some things you could try to support the LGBTQ+ community, friends, family and colleagues are:
- Check in with your friends to see how they are feeling. Don’t feel pressured to offer advice; just listening can really help.
- Learn more about LGBTQ+ communities from LGBTQ+ resources such as Stonewall UK or the support services we’ve mentioned.
- If possible, consider donating to some of the support services mentioned above so they can continue to support the LGBTQ+ community.
For more LGBTQ+ mental health information, head to the Resources page of our website.
Posted on: 13th June 2022