Mindful Photography Walk in Keynsham
Keynsham Mindful Photography Walk
The past 18 months have changed our lives in so many ways, including the way we see our communities and how many have come to value our High Streets. In addition we have come to understand the benefits of walking out local communities on our health and wellbeing.
Bringing these together on Tuesday 24th August, as part of the Keynsham High Street Explorations Project, we will be running a reflective or mindful photography walk around our Keynsham High Street, park and area. We will be using exploration cards and a beautifully illustrated map produced by artists Katy Hawkins and Ellie Shipman for the project, which celebrate Keynsham’s rich heritage and encourage visitors and residents to take a new journey of discovery around familiar spaces.
As we stroll the route we will have the opportunity to stop and reflect upon a different question at each location, some set, others from participants and to take some photographs that reflect our very personal perspective.
At the end of the walk we will return to our starting point, Temple Street Canteen for coffee and cake and there will be an opportunity to share your images for display in the canteen.
There will be two sessions – one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. See below details on how to book:
Session 1 – Tuesday 24th August, 10-12pm starting and finishing at Temple Canteen for tea and coffee. Please sign up to the morning session via this link: conta.cc/3f3LlRC
Session 2 – Tuesday 24th, 1pm-3pm starting and finishing at Temple Canteen for tea and coffee. This second session will be suitable for those less mobile as it will take place in two close together locations. Please sign up to the afternoon session via this link: conta.cc/3iVQZqc
A Facebook event has also been made with more information on the sessions.
Posted on: 2nd August 2021