January We Start To Glow: A Poem by Christine

January We Start To Glow, by Christine M

January we start to GLOW
As we thaw out from inner ‘snow’

February we start to REIGN
As we unfreeze and start to gain

March we’re sharp to voices shrill
But let’s focus on beauty – the daffodil!

April brings more victory sweet
Scatters possibilities at our feet

May sees off the toxic friends
As we improve our boundary ends

June brings optimistic ‘supposes’?
Although life isn’t always ‘roses’!

July we start to bloom like flowers
Blessings come like heavenly showers

By August we’re shifting shame and scorn
And getting rid of wounds we’ve borne

By September we see real fruit
From a good root then comes the shoot

By October we’re getting ahead,
Enjoying a pleasanter life instead

November’s dull but we’re having a blast
As we weed out that awful past

Chilly December we embrace and greet
‘Cos we’re well on the way to being ‘back on our feet’!

A huge thank you to Christine for sharing her beautiful poem; a perfect piece to begin the new year with.

Posted on: 4th January 2022

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